====== Gale Hyacinth ====== ^ Common Name | Gale | ^ Full Name | Gale Hyacinth | ^ Species | human (skyborn) | ^ Gender | female | ^ Pronouns | she/her | ^ Sexuality | ? | ^ Profession | archeovirologist | ^ Organization| [[organizations:the_reclamation_project:SPEX]] (former) | ^ Residence | | ^ Appears in | [[stories:year_one:Persephone's Chance]] | ===== Description ===== Dark skin and hair, brown eyes. ===== Notes ===== Archeovirologist from [[locations:High Gravitas]] recruited into RP Special Expeditions to develop biological weapons from ancient sources, defected to find help in stopping her former comrades’ plan, curious about the pre-cataclysmic world but unwilling to let her research be used to cause harm. Sister of [[Cirrus]]. {{tag>Persephone's_Chance SPEX}}