====== Ravensara ====== ^ Common Name | Ravensara or Sara | ^ Full Name | | ^ Species | human (groundborn) | ^ Gender | female | ^ Pronouns | she/her | ^ Sexuality | ? | ^ Profession | mercenary/bodyguard | ^ Organization| | ^ Residence | | ^ Appears in | [[stories:year_one:Persephone's Chance]] | ===== Description ===== Dark tan skin, dark hair, brown eyes, toned muscles. ===== Notes ===== A young yet skilled mercenary adopted and raised by a group of retired morph adventurers, currently hired as bodyguard to [[Gale]] and [[Cirrus]], uses a nanotech and hologram-equipped suit to disguise herself as various zoomorph species (usually a jaguar or badger). {{tag>Persephone's_Chance}}