====== Pages Needing Work ====== {{topic>stub fix wikify old incorrect&sort&table&nouser&tags&header}} ===== What Tags Mean ===== |stub |Needs more imformation| |wikify |Needs to be updated to wiki format.| |fix |Fix formatting or another issue| |incorrect |Incorrect information| |old |Out of date information| ===== How to tag pages ===== To mark a page needing work, add the wst code as the second line of the page, right below the title and the tag code to the bottom of the page. ==== Needs more information (stub) ==== {{wst>stub}} {{tag>stub}} {{wst>stub}} {{wst>p}} ==== Needs Wikifying (wikify) ==== This page needs to be updated to wiki format. It either lacks links or has information that should be moved to other articles. {{wst>wikify}} {{tab>wikify}} {{wst>wikify}} {{wst>p}} ==== Needs Fix (fix) ==== Page needs formatting or another issue fixed. {{wst>fix|Thing to fix}} {{tab>fix}} {{wst>fix|Thing to fix}} {{topic>fix&sort&table&nouser}} {{wst>p}} ==== Pages with incorrect information (incorrect) ==== Page has incorrect information. {{wst>incorrect|refers to a dead character}} {{tag>incorrect}} {{wst>incorrect|refers to a dead character}} {{wst>p}} ==== Pages that are out of date (old) ==== {{wst>old|This organization changed between anthologies}} {{tag>old}} {{wst>old|This organization changed between anthologies}} ~~NOCACHE~~