The Reclamation Project

A furry solarpunk shared world.

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TRP - Year One

TRP - Year Two






The Reclamation Project Universe is copyright of The Gneech and FurPlanet. No license is given to create derivative works outside of official publications by FurPlanet.

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Ambara Defense Front (ADF)

Mentioned in Piece of Mind, Dark Garden Lake, Chromium Maneuvers.

A paramilitary organization dedicated to defending the furry inhabitants of Ambara Down from human occupation and/or aggression. Its legal status status is vague, but it has existed for quite some time. Tsaibei Hrotan is known to have been a member (referred to as “General Hrotan”), during which time he was “the architect of the Sickle Bay Massacre.” Whether Prefect Durgavati was a member is unclear despite her describing herself as “a revolutionary.” She certainly seems keen to distance herself from them now.

organizations/ambara_defense_front_adf.txt · Last modified: 19 Jun 2020 at 21:59 EDT by Kayode Lycaon